Thursday, May 24, 2007

Salty McSalty-I can't stand my co-worker(s) an ode to them

To my rude co-workers who will never read this blog:
I wish you a really bad toothache with a pus-filled abcess. (...and that's something i've reserved for my worst enemy)
Supervisor consort: You need a pedicure. I don't like you and someday, I hope a large african-american hugs you really hard and shakes your hand so that you can cringe in disgust and feel bad all over, cause Lord knows how you hate us so...
That is all I have to say.

On another note.
My B.F. who-better-get-his-act-together-before-his-ass-gets-dumped returns home today from speding the week with his kids (and the baby mama of course) in S.C. I don't know how i'll react to him, i've been toiling over it and I think i'm done, but who knows what will come out when he brings his ass in the door. Why did women get cursed with a period (even if it doesn't come) and emotions? I ain't complainint but dang...we got played.

Monday, May 21, 2007

D-day (Diet that is...)

What is the right thing to do? Is it following your heart or is the right thing to do using your intelligence to make decisions about life and love?
Is it better to be safe, predictable, reliable or is it better to be spontaneous, unpredictable and well, unreliable?
Should you change in order to adapt or stay true to one self?
Should you care what others think or should you disregard everything that the world says of you?

These are some of the questions that I ask myself daily and it is sometimes difficult to say which is the right way to be. I guess there is no one-size-fit-all answer for life. But I do know that straddling the fence can be dangerous.

Today i'm starting my diet and exersize regimen, wish me luck with all the fresh fruits and veggies I plan on living off of. Hope this all pays off, because this is hard work, of all days today at work, there is a carry in with all the cheeze balls, dips, meatballs and wings that you can imagine, so while everyone's here feasting, i'll be silently chewing on some cucumber slices and a few tart strawberries. So be nice to me today, maybe pat me on the shoulder if you see me, i'll need the support.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Happy Feelings

The feeling is good
time is now
mood is pink
Love is Love
God is good
all the time
praise is due
in time of joy
in time of pain
praise is due in
sunshine and rain

So today I feel happy, blessed and all types of good. Yesterday I was trying to slit my wrist with a butterknife, sobbing, moping and just plain old sad, wondering what love is all about and why it hurt so bad to be in it. I had/have some issues man. But all that matters is the right now, and right now i'm feeling some of God's grace shining all over me. I feel good and just felt like I needed to tell somebody and that somebody is you. So take it, hold it, swallow it, embrace it, live it and take it with you wherever you go. Ain't that something, feeling so good that you wanna share it. Enough times I complain and some people tend to want to share bad news. So while i'm on top of the world, come with me to a place where it feels good to be alive, breathe the air with me and feel some joy before tomorrow comes, if tomorrow comes...
*typing this while humming, Happy Feelings by Frankie Beverly and Maze*

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Inspiration Today

I need some inspiration today
I know it could be worse
it could be raining missiles
I could have less or be in pain
today Love has left me scorn
and here lately
I have been afraid to cry
so i'm
sitting here with my lips poked out
tyring to figure out how
to cope

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I've not visited my blog in ahwile, and whew! it was depressing, I guess that the way life is sometimes...Here lately i'm trying not to stress as much, eat better and take advantage of time. I'm giving myself a rest from school this quarter and getting some thing together. Relationships can be the most rewarding and depressing this in the world all at the same time. I fell in love and since then I have experienced more emotions that I thought I had in me. I'm learning a lot of things about myself too...I watch too many movies, listen to too much music, it gives me a faulty perception on what should be. Anywho, I have a beautiful nephew, I can't wait to post pics. He's not a baby anymore, he's one and beginning the acquisition of language, and is a live wire. He has happy feet and loves the outdoors, kids are precious. I'm getting into the playoffs this season, I actually have a few fav's I am going for Chicago, but San Antonio has been playing some hard ball too...My BF is a Detroit fan all the way, and we have a bit of a wager going, if Detroit wins, I've gotta cook every day for a week and if they lose, he has to iron my clothes every night for work the next morn, GO BULLS!!!!!