At the workplace, there's a big ol' flatscreen tv facing my desk and the channel is always set to a news station. Today CNN, yesterday FOX News and so on...I watch and listen between arguing, handing out cards, saying please and thank you, organizing, inputting, problem solving, and other daily tasks, and it is kind of strange how the nation gets hooked on the headlines and how fast they change. A few days ago, the media storm was around the pregnant marine's death and the manhunt that followed, today it is Heath Ledger's death. It's like one story eclipses the other continually and it seems a bit strange to me, but that is the culture...I sometimes get entranced too. I will say this about news and the such, there are a few blogs that I frequent and some i'm just checking out for the first time, most of them entertainment blogs and they can be a bit over the top and evil at times. It's one thing to poke fun at pop culture but Perez Hilton's blog made light of a British singer having a miscarrage and another of Anna Nicole Smith's daughter's crossed eyes. I do think these bloggers are starting to become quite sociopathic in their quest to get a little recognition, I mean poking fun and saying Heath Ledger died of smoking rocks and drawing crack rocks on the pic of him at the time of a young man's death is a tad absurd. But what can I say, that's the world we live in and people will be as they are.
Next thing, i'd like to make a confession...I am a foodie.
google it of you don't know what it is. So today I decided to post a recipe since that is my new obsession. I can't eat the way i'd like, you still at the gym and losing weight but I like to cook and find new recipes etc...Sounds a bit counter-revolutionary eh? Well hmm what can I say?
This recipe choice is inspire by my lunch for today, oatmeal. Enjoy!
Banana and Peanut Butter Oatmeal
This was my favorite one so far. The peanut butter and mashed bananas made this oatmeal was nice and creamy. The peanuts on top added a nice contrast in texture.
Ingredients:1/2 banana (mashed)
1/2 banana sliced
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1/2 tablespoon brown sugar (optional depending on how sweet the banana is)
1 serving oatmeal1 tablespoon peanuts for garnish
(Well since i'm at work you can't see the wonderful pic)
Next thing, i'd like to make a confession...I am a foodie.
google it of you don't know what it is. So today I decided to post a recipe since that is my new obsession. I can't eat the way i'd like, you still at the gym and losing weight but I like to cook and find new recipes etc...Sounds a bit counter-revolutionary eh? Well hmm what can I say?
This recipe choice is inspire by my lunch for today, oatmeal. Enjoy!
Banana and Peanut Butter Oatmeal
This was my favorite one so far. The peanut butter and mashed bananas made this oatmeal was nice and creamy. The peanuts on top added a nice contrast in texture.
Ingredients:1/2 banana (mashed)
1/2 banana sliced
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1/2 tablespoon brown sugar (optional depending on how sweet the banana is)
1 serving oatmeal1 tablespoon peanuts for garnish
(Well since i'm at work you can't see the wonderful pic)