Friday, February 27, 2009

In them jeans...

This morning, I woke up with a plan. Since today is Friday, I thought i'd dress down for work, for casual friday. I had my outfit outlined, a turquoise warm up jacket with my new Levi's, they fit just right (I don't wear jeans often) and a pair of new Air Max to match my top-you know it's income tax season and black folk got (sic) new clothes... Now of course you know something had to go wrong because I'm blogging about it. I took my jeans out of the bag and they still had the ink tag on them, now i've lost the receipt so I know some drama will ensue. I didn't have a backup fit, so I panicked, the situation was bad, what's worse is that I got up early, but I had to compromise my extra time advantage to look for something else to wear (and iron it).Now I have to take the jeans back without the receipt and I know the alarms will start going off as soon as I come in the store and the clerks will look at me like, "yeah, she's a booster" how else can I explain not having the receipt? I had plans for those jeans. They fit a lil tight so, I thought they would accentuate the positive. It's a hard job finding jeans that are the right fit. I think most ladies can attest to that, I have about twelve pairs (is that proper english?) of jeans and not one that fit me in a way that makes me feel good. Most of my jeans either have the saggy crotch, big waist (i'm constantly pulling them up), low rise (no one wants to see butt cleavage), floods, too baggy aroung the thigh area or won't zip. This is a really serious issue, but it's friday and I got it figured out, just a lil sweat off the top of the brow. Men, do y'all have that problem with finding the right jeans? Or is that a woman thang?
Peace out, have a good weekend!!!!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

In with the new...

Ok, so I tried something new, I had my hair dyed Black. I'm naturally Brown, I even had my hair cut, it's not drastic but definitely noticeable. I'll be posting pics as soon as I can get to a free wi-fi connection (ain't that sad?). I didn't get around to the sushi thing, but this weekend i'll definitely continue with this idea...
In other random news, I saw the most beautiful little girl, she wasn't from this country, my guess would be Ethiopia, her name is Sephora. I'll have to google what it means, the only other time i've heard that name is from the Sephora beauty franchise.
I was really happy yesterday, the sun was shining, I felt good, and it was just an overall good day. I'd like to continue on that trend, today i'm a little less than yesterday but still good nonetheless. I can't wait for Spring!!!
Oh and in regards to my most recent passive agressive post (pt II) HE'S GONE!!!!!
It's finally over. Wooo freakin hooo!!!!
Ok I've gotta go, but there's more to come.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Something Pink, Blue, Old...

Just sitting here, should be working, but thinking about the weekend. I've got the inclination to try something new. Maybe i'll try a new venue, a new food, a new book, coffee spot etc...So this weekend, i'll be venturing outside my comfort zone and hopefully i'll encroach upon an interesting find, perhaps i'll blog about it and take pictures. I've decided one of the new things already and that's to get my hair cut and dyed. Next i'm gonna try sushi (nothing too adventurous) perhaps a california roll or something cooked like tempura. I've even given thought to changing some things around at home. Last week in an effort to re-gain my youth, I bought a pair of gym shoes, they're Air force One's that are black/grey/hot pink, I doubt i'll ever wear them seeing as though I wear slacks even on weekends, and they're not exactly workout shoes, I just bought them on an impulse. Has anyone tried anything new recently? Is there anything you'd like to do outside of your normal comfort zone?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Happy Black History Month

Dey got all our stuff on sale (sic)

This is a real ad from a grocery store. I got it from concrete loop and had to share. Grape soda though?

Friday, February 06, 2009

best friend vs. boyfriend

This has to be short because i've got to go.
So a friend of mine just called me hysterically apologizing to me. I know that she'd been in an argument with her fiance about what time we came back from the gym last night. Our personal trainer stays late nights because most of his clients get off of work after 6:00pm. We usually don't leave the gym until 11:00pm, we try to leave sooner but we rarely get there before 8:00pm, we also talk. My friend and I have been friends for 18 years. Her phone call was to let me know we couldn't be friends anymore. She doesn't have family, it's just her and her mom so the desire of her heart since a young child was to be married and have a family. She and her fiance have been dating for about 3 years and have changed wedding dates more times than I care to count. He's a religious guy, I mean a "superChristian", he's very strict with her, her whole life revolves around him and his 2 daughters which he just gained sole custody of (from a recent divorce, this would make his 3rd marriage) their relationship is different to say the least. I don't ever make the mistake of telling her to leave him for 3 reasons. It's none of my business, she'd be with him anyway, and because she'd just tell him one day and he'd resent me, that's a decision she'll have to make on her own. So anywho, fast forward today, it took me by surprise, the phone call hurt, I was confused, and just completely taken off guard. I'm all crying at work, wondering what kamikaze wind just came by my cubicle. I'm upset a lil, because he's controlling and he just made her get rid of her only friend. Even more because she's crying uncontrollably and is in a mess. I do understand I am the "single" friend and that's usually a problem in most marriages, but I try to give her encouragement without giving her advice, I mean I try to quote scripture to help encourage her. This is classic best friend vs. the boyfriend, except i'm not fighting. I couldn't see myself letting go of a true friend if she hasn't done anything wrong, now I do understand that when you marry, things change. You and your BFF don't see each other or hang out or sit and talk on the phone like you once did, but you shouldn't have to give up the entire friendship unless there is a different issue at hand. I told my friend I support her in whatever she does, and hell I can't give her the family life so it makes sense for her follow her heart in this one. A friendship of 18 years ended with a phone call goodbye and i'm sitting here wondering wtf?
This year has been a strange one, especially with friendships. I don't know what lesson i'm supposed to get out of this but man, I hope this season will be over soon.