Thursday, July 23, 2009


So something has happened to bring me out of hiding...E-hiding that is, and that is the reason for this post. Let me first say that there is no huge reason i've stopped blogging, it's simple, I don't have the internet at home. If anyone would like to donate, then feel free, feel free...Anywho
I had this dream last night, a strange dream...That I'd delivered a baby, a baby I didn't know I was carrying. And the thing that was more strange was that I had the baby at home, and then took the baby to the hospital, and left myself without delivering the afterbirth or anything. No medical care for myself, then I went home to figure out who the dad could be, I calculated nine months, and figured it must have been my ex, even though that was in fact impossible. I called him and told him about everything, then tried to figure out how to tell my current boyfriend. So then the next thing I remember is going over my Mom's to tell her and see if she could take me to the hospital, when I remembered I don't have a carseat. So I told my little sister who really is pregnant that I will just have to use her baby's stuff since she's still pregnant. So then my Mom takes me to the hospital and we get lost on the way and when we finally get there,I tell the nurse in triage that I had a baby, dropped him off, then left without getting my DNC (which by the way if i'm not mistaken is the procedure that happens after a woman miscarries) I don't remember what they did to me, I vaguely remember what my baby looked like but I do remember I had a son though. I remember thinking "what am I going to do now???" and thinking, I have to go on maternity leave.
Strange, strange, I don't know what the dream means (if anything) but I do remember waking up this morning confused, wondering if I should go to the hospital to claim my baby.
Can anyone interpret dreams?