I skinned my knee today. I know you're thinking, "why is that something to blog about?" Well, besides the fact that it bruised my ego, I can't stop thinking about it. So earlier today, my friend called me in crisis mode. I didn't really have any advice, besides I don't think she was looking for any. I've been there before, just wanting a human to be there to listen and give a lil' feedback so I know that I haven't gone completely insane. A lot of my relationships with friends has to do with listening, no pity parties, just listening. So we have a lil' food therapy and then proceed over my grandma's. When I arrived, I was greeted with excitement by my rambunctious nephew. We bonded a bit I think, when I began to ask him the typical questions you ask a 2 year old, he responded by saying, "what are you talking about?" I wasn't quite ready for that. He knows that i'm the paparazzi, so he said "take a picture" which sounded like cake-a-picher. Now that's my kinda party, one where I get to take pictures. So I galloped off the bed to get my cameras out of my car, and since I had energy, I decided to sprint back to the house. There are four steep and broken steps to get to my grandma's modest home. So I step, "one, two, three" and on the fourth step, I fell on both knees. I peered over both shoulders to see if there were any wintesses, I listened for chuckles and I bowed my head in disgrace. No one saw my folly but I was embarrassed somehow. My keys slid across the porch and onto the driveway, so I had to face the stairs once again. This time, I would do it slowly and more carefully, never looking up, not even for a second. I made it the second time unscathed. I took a deep breath and slowly proceeded in the house to take pictures of my nephew. No one noticed my slight limp, the pain throbbed and I eventually told my sister and friend of the fall and I finally lifted my pants leg to see the injury, I knew there had to be some evidence left because it hurt too badly. My knee was red and slightly swollen, there was a strawberry the size of a quarter and white scrape marks where the skin had peeled from the fall. My knee still hurts a lil, but i'm a big girl, I just wanted to give you the heads up friends, watch your step.
btw here are a few of my fave shots of the day...The third one is hilarious, ladies and gentlemen, I have arrived...

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