The McCain's are ballin'. We all know about their seven properties, about Cindy's Anhauser Busch fortune and their other riches. But I think it was a rather bold move for Cindy to walk into the RNC bling blingin' looking like something fresh off of a Vogue mag. Her outfit was estimated to cost around $313,000. Here in Ohio, you could buy three decent sized houses for that.While the GOP spent all night trying to paint Barack Obama as an elitist, Cindy McCain's outfit cost more than the combined income of Michelle and Barack Obama in 2004. In fact it would take 10 years of saving for the average American to afford her outfit. Look, here's my issue...I work in the welfare office so I see the America that has been directly affected by government overspending, job loss, foreclosures etc... I have to look into the eyes of people who have worked their whole lives and are now applying for public assistance with tears welling in their shameful eyes. Our number of intakes have almost tripled in recent months and people are angry, tired, struggling, underemployed, and wanting more than anything to work. People who have taken pay cuts from $25 hr to $9 per hour and have families, or raising children alone. So when I look into the audience of the RNC and see all the cowboy hat wearing, NRA card carrying, out of touch WASPs in the audience, I don't see me. I don't see the people I have to serve everyday as a civil servant. I see people wanting to protect their money, control of the better schools, to keep the gap between the upper and middle class wide. I see right wing conservatives that don't understand the culture of poverty and the changing face of America, the failures of our American school system, the depletion of federal resources, and the loss of a sense of community. This does not work for me, not because I want to vote for a Black man (if so I would've voted for Sharpton), not because I'm black and i'm supposed to vote democrat, not even because I work so closely with the poor and disenfranchised but because I understand the issues and I am hearing a call for change that needs to be answered, that can't be answered by someone who wants to serve as a continuation of all the policies of the current administration. And although i'm a woman, I can't identify with a gun toting, moose hunting, corrupt, sacrilegious, hypocritical, self-proclaimed pit-bull with lipstick from Alaska. I don't expect for the earth to move and the world to change when and if Barack wins the presidency but I do believe that he will not tread on the same path as Bush, and he will make some changes that will be the beginnning to help maintain our status as a world super-power.
Cindy McCain
Oscar de la Renta dress: $3,000
Chanel J12 White Ceramic Watch: $4,500
Three-carat diamond earrings: $280,000
Four-strand pearl necklace: $11,000–$25,000
Shoes, designer unknown: $600
Total: Between $299,100 and $313,100
Wow! No wonder McCain has so many houses: his wife has the price of a Scottsdale split-level hanging from her ears.
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