Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Dating blurb.

So i'm a thinker...It has it's advantages and disadvantages, more "dis" than "ad" but heeeey...I tend to analyze myself, you know, figure me out, if that is at all possible, sometimes I just give up. Since i'm 28 and unwed, I do a lot of thinking about whether it is my personality that's perhaps a barrier in my relationships, or if it's more cosmic, perhaps just hasn't been in the stars for me yet. Who knows??? Now lately i've been meeting a lot of guys, but then that's it...Things fizzle for one reason or another. I guess it's not atypical for where I live. i know a lot of people in the same pickle, meing maried seems more the exception than the rule. What i'm starting to notice about myself is that there are certain types of men that are bad for me, but for some reason I have a hard time avoiding those types, let me give you a lil background...I grew up subsudized housing, not really the hood but just some apartments, mama never worked, daddy wasn't there but I did have a father figure in the home...I had a few issues, didnt always do things the right way but I managed to graduate high school and then go away to college fast forward 11 years, and here I am pondering the mis-steps. When I went to college a lot of things changed about me, but to my core, I can't help but think i'm still that shy, aprehensive, cautious, big-hearted, passive aggressive, artsy, gullable, overthinker that I always was...Being that way didn't pan out so well growing up, with men. In short and for the sake of time i'll condense what i'm trying to say that dealing with some people can make me regress to my teenage years and that's not good.
That's all, I just wanted to post an observation about myself, now I have to go...ttyl

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