Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I actually quoted Jay-Z

So today, hmmm....
A little relieved, according to the ultrasound the uterus, endometrium, and ovaries are in tact. We've still got the detectives out searching for my long lost period. Yeah, i know that's a lil TMI and the personification was a little lame but hey...What can I say, "THAT'S WHAT IT DO"

Quote of the day:
"What you eat don't make me shit" -Jay-Z

So the co-worker I spoke about in my last post is still at it, she she's this racist, childish, kinda crazy, jealous earth disturber. I mean for real, she tells on other people, talk about some people who never quite got over their childhood...Damn her, I've given her too much shine on my blog, almost makes me as bad as her huh? Ok I quit.

Oh, and I guess I recovered from the BF issues in the last post. We're still goin' through it, that's life! or at least that's what he tells me.
I've got more but you'll just have to wait till next time....

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