Wednesday, May 16, 2007


I've not visited my blog in ahwile, and whew! it was depressing, I guess that the way life is sometimes...Here lately i'm trying not to stress as much, eat better and take advantage of time. I'm giving myself a rest from school this quarter and getting some thing together. Relationships can be the most rewarding and depressing this in the world all at the same time. I fell in love and since then I have experienced more emotions that I thought I had in me. I'm learning a lot of things about myself too...I watch too many movies, listen to too much music, it gives me a faulty perception on what should be. Anywho, I have a beautiful nephew, I can't wait to post pics. He's not a baby anymore, he's one and beginning the acquisition of language, and is a live wire. He has happy feet and loves the outdoors, kids are precious. I'm getting into the playoffs this season, I actually have a few fav's I am going for Chicago, but San Antonio has been playing some hard ball too...My BF is a Detroit fan all the way, and we have a bit of a wager going, if Detroit wins, I've gotta cook every day for a week and if they lose, he has to iron my clothes every night for work the next morn, GO BULLS!!!!!

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