Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Blurb one...On waving and speaking

Have you ever waved back at someone who wasn't waving at you in the first place? Have you ever...Like, waved really hard, with a smile and all, and then you notice that naw playa, it ain't you? Then you try to play it off real cool like, and then look away and start walking real fast in the other direction? Yeah, that's me, i'm the queen of it in fact. I work with the public, and the worst thing you can do is not speak to someone you grew up with or graduated in your 34 person graduating class (black folk love to say someone's "funny actin"). See there's this co-worker I know, real good people, Christian, always smiling and speaking, good folk. So I tried to speak to her first today, I waved really hard from a distance and uh, she didn't see me...I shook it off, no sweat off my brow. Then this other lady coming around the corner began to wave, so i look up and wave back, only to notice the person behind me waving because she really knew her. Shook that off too...But the other day, I thought I saw my former co-workers daughter who's a really sweet girl, I began waving and smiling all extra hard and even asked "where's the baby?" before I realized, that nope...It wasn't her. I've gotta stop doing that man, for my pride's sake. One's reaction time must be right, because if you react to a wave too slow, it can be perceived as forced or "flaky", then if you wave too quick, yup, it's gonna happen again, you're gonna be waving back at someone who's not waving at you.
*SMH really hard

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